Monday, February 4, 2013

National GLD or 2e Yahoo Support Group for parents and teachers

If you know a child or children who are gifted but also have a second exceptionality that is leading to difficulties, underachievement or other challenges then this FREE online community may be a great starting point for you. GLD Australia has been running for about 7 months and currently has 110 active members. I was formed to that parents and teachers anywhere in the country could have access to support, information and a place to seek help and guidance.

GLD Australia is a new national online learning community responding to the needs of gifted children and gifted adults with specific learning disability and other learning challenges, and the needs of those who care for, teach and advocate for them, through the sharing of information, research and personal experiences.

GLD Australia is an independent community with a member-owned and member-operated closed Yahoo Group list. Messages are not archived, which means that they do not appear on an internet search. Members' names will never appear on the Yahoo Group discussion forum unless the member posts a message (which will be sent only to other GLD Australia members).

GLD Australia is affiliated with the Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented (AAEGT):, which is the Australian national umbrella association for State gifted associations. GLD Australia has no political or commercial affiliations.

Members of GLD Australia include parents, educators and other professionals dedicated to promoting awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by people who identify as gifted with learning disability (GLD) and related issues, thereby assisting them to benefit from specialised identification and intervention/treatment as early as possible. Members participate in the community as individuals and support one another without commercial interest. Adults who themselves identify as GLD are strongly encouraged to join.

You may have seen such individuals referred to internationally as "2e" (twice-exceptional) or "DME" (dual or multiple exceptionality).

GLD Australia does not endorse or promote any particular therapy, remedial program, medical or allied health professional, treatment, method, solution, theory, diagnosis, diet, medicine, vitamin, product, service, business, coaching college, school or educational philosophy.

Joining GLD Australia is free.

To join, send an email to:

Everyone involved in GLD Australia is an unpaid volunteer. Sometimes it may take a few days for messages to be answered.

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